Creating mosaics: an in-depth meeting for cultural mediators

To mark the occasion of  the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November, the Milan City Council Anti-Violence Network is organizing an in-depth study and training meeting for cultural mediators with an interest in the issue.

The meeting will be held on Friday 27 November 2020 from 9.00 to 13.00 on the Zoom platform.

The primary objective is to build a long-lasting relationship with women mediators, which would allow them to offer foreign women targeted interventions tailored to their specific needs. Gender violence is a widespread but often submerged phenomenon. For women from other cultures, this phenomenon is accentuated by a number of factors including language, lack of knowledge of services and rights, and the possible relational isolation in which they often live.

Participation is free.

Application for the course is open up to 25/11/2020 and can be made by filling in the participation form on this link.

Programme of the meeting




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